How to See Who Rewatched Your Snapchat Story

To find out who rewatched your Snapchat story you will need Snapchat Plus. Unfortunately regular Snapchat does not offer this feature. With Snapchat Plus check for the eye emoji next to your story. If it is there it means someone has rewatched it. You can also turn on the Story Rewatch Count feature to see how many times it has been replayed.

Want to uncover who is watching your Snapchat story on repeat. Discovering who rewatched your Snapchat Story is easier than you think. With Snapchat Plus you can see an eye emoji beside your story signaling someone is revisiting it. Simply turn on the Story Rewatch Count feature to tally the number of replays. Learn how to see who rewatched your Snapchat story effortlessly.

Curious to know who is checking out your Snapchat updates more than once. With Snapchat Plus you gain access to valuable insights. The eye emoji appearing beside your story indicates someone has revisited it. By enabling the Story Rewatch Count feature you can keep track of the number of replays. It is an effortless way to stay in the loop about who is engaged with your content.

How To See Who Rewatched Your Snapchat Story

How To See Who Rewatched Your Snapchat Story

To see who rewatched your Snapchat Story you need Snapchat Plus. Regular Snapchat does not have this feature. With Snapchat Plus look for the eye emoji next to your story. If it is there someone has rewatched it. You can also turn on the Story Rewatch Count feature to see how many times it has been replayed.

To turn on Story Rewatch Count go to your Snapchat profile and click on the Snapchat membership card. Then toggle the switch to enable the feature. With Story Rewatch Count on you will see an eye emoji next to your story indicating that someone has rewatched it.

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Can You See Who Rewatches Your Snapchat Story?

Unfortunately Snapchat does not let you see who rewatched your story. But with Snapchat Plus you can access premium features like the Story Rewatch Count. This feature shows how many times your story has been replayed but it does not reveal specific viewers. So while you can see who is hitting the replay button you can still get insights into your story popularity.

If you are curious about who is revisiting your Snapchat Plus is the way to go. While it we not show you individual rewatchers it does provide valuable data on your story engagement. Keep an eye out for the Story Rewatch Count feature to get a sense of how many times your content is being replayed.

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How To See Who Rewatched Your Story On Snapchat Plus?

How To See Who Rewatched Your Story On Snapchat Plus

Discovering who is revisiting your Snapchat stories is a breeze with Snapchat Plus. Simply subscribe and post your story. Look out for the eye emoji next to your story indicating someone has hit the replay button. Turn on the Story Rewatch Count feature to see exactly how many times your story has been rewatched.

Once you have subscribed to Snapchat Plus just post your story and wait a few hours. Then open your story and check for the eye emoji. The number next to it tells you how many people have rewatched your story. It is an easy way to see who is showing extra interest in your snaps.

When You Rewatch A Snapchat Story, Does Your Name Go To The Top

When You Rewatch A Snapchat Story, Does Your Name Go To The Top

When you rewatch a Snapchat story your name does not jump to the top of the viewer list. Instead the list remains in chronological order based on when users watched your story. This means recent viewers still appear at the top regardless of whether they have rewatched your story.

So even if someone watches your story multiple times their name ww not move up. The order stays the same keeping things fair for all viewers. Whether it’s a first watch or a replay, everyone is spot remains unchanged in the list.

Why Can’t I See Who Rewatched My Snapchat Story?

Why Can’t I See Who Rewatched My Snapchat Story?

If you are wondering why you can not see who rewatched your Snapchat story it is because this feature is not available on the regular version of Snapchat. To access this feature you need to subscribe to Snapchat Plus a premium subscription service. With Snapchat Plus you can see how many times your story has been replayed but you still we not be able to see the names of the people who rewatched it.

Snapchat is decision to limit this feature to Snapchat Plus may be a way to incentivize users to upgrade to the premium version. By offering exclusive features like the ability to see who rewatched your story Snapchat can attract more subscribers to its premium service.

How To See Who Rewatched Your Snapchat Story 2023?

To see who rewatched your Snapchat Story in 2023 you will need Snapchat Plus. This premium service offers the Story Rewatch Count feature. After posting your story wait a few hours then open it to check for the eye emoji. This emoji along with a number indicates how many people have rewatched your story.

The Rewatch Indicator does not show which friends have rewatched your story. To enable the Story Rewatch Count feature click on your Bitmoji icon then select the Snapchat membership card. Toggle the switch to turn on the feature and start tracking who is revisiting your Snapchat content.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I activate the Story Rewatch Count feature?

To activate this feature, you need Snapchat Plus. Once subscribed simply toggle on the Story Rewatch Count feature in your settings.

What does the eye emoji next to my Story mean?

The eye emoji indicates that someone has rewatched your Snapchat Story. It is a quick way to see if your content is engaging.

Can I see who rewatched my Story multiple times?

No Snapchat does not show who rewatched your Story multiple times. You can only see the total number of replays with the Story Rewatch Count feature.


Knowing who rewatched your Snapchat Story can be insightful. With Snapchat Plus you can easily track your Story engagement through the eye emoji and Story Rewatch Count feature. While regular Snapchat doesn’t offer this level of detail the Plus version provides valuable insights into your content performance.

By following the steps outlined above you can gain a better understanding of your audience is interaction with your Stories. While you can not see exactly who is rewatched your Story you can still gauge its popularity and tailor your content accordingly. Consider subscribing to Snapchat Plus for a more comprehensive view of your Story viewership.

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